Dog Breeds

Welcome back to my blog! My journey of dog walking and dog sitting has made me realize how many different breeds of dogs we have out in the world. I am lucky enough to say I have had quite the opportunity of taking care of several different breeds. Let's take a look at some of my furry friends!

The biggest dog I have the pleasure of taking care of is Walter. Walter, a one and half year-old Great Dane, already weighs 135 pounds! Walter is projected to weigh 215 pounds by the time he is three! CRAZINESS. When he stands on his hind legs he stands around 6'2. Even when he stands on all four legs, he is as tall as my waist and I'm 5'6. Until you see a Great Dane in person, pictures do not compare to the actual size. The first time I met Walter I was amazed. He is HUGE!
Walter standing with his owner

Walter over the kitchen table
The smallest dog I have ever watched is a five-year-old Chihuahua, Beagle mix named LuLu. LuLu's owner found her in a dumpster abused and almost dead. When I first met LuLu, I would have never guessed she was found like that. When my client told me about LuLu's story, I could not believe it. LuLu came right up to me and wanted so much loving. She is so sweet and loves to cuddle.
Have you ever heard of the phrase "Sometimes dogs are just so ugly that they're actually cute?" I have one of those too. Stella, a 12-year-old Bulldog, has the funniest overbite. I can't help but laugh whenever I see her. Don't let the ugliness fool you! Stella is the most lovable girl but is set in her ways! Let me tell you, dogs have attitudes too. Stella is the QUEEN of the household. Do not get in her way.
Do I have a breed of dog that annoys me? Let me tell you: PUGS! Pugs are cute until you have to listen to one snort all day and night. Pugs have a shortened snout and flattened face which causes them to have a shortened upper respiratory system as well as a nasal passage. This facial feature causes pugs to have difficulty breathing. Delores, a 7-year-old Pug, snorts all day and night. Sometimes the snorting is so loud, I can't sleep at night. 

My favorite breed? I absolutely love all labs aka Labrador Retrievers. I have grown up with labs my whole life. My first lab was black and my second one was yellow. But Labs are such a family-friendly dog. They are so outgoing, fun and trustworthy. I know you can say that about all dogs, but according to the American Kennel Club data, Labs topped the list for the 28th year in a row as America's most popular dog breed. What can I say? Labs are the BEST!


Not only do I have experience with Labs, Pugs, Bulldogs, Chihuahuas, and Great Danes but I also take care of Pit Bull, Boxers, Golden Doodles, Beagles, Pinschers, German Pointers, German Sheppard's and more. I would love the opportunity to watch a Dalmatian, Chinese Shar-Pei, or an Italian Greyhound! 

If you would like to learn more about the dog breeds I take care of, make sure to leave a comment! 

Stay tuned next week to learn about how to prepare for walks in the crazy weather especially in the Midwest!


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